Digital Sketchbook




Today in class we did a Photoshop tutorial. It was a great reminder of some skills that I previously had, as well as an opportunity to learn new techniques.
I learned many commands to use in Photoshop in order to be able to be more efficient when editing an image.
The following image was made by taking an image and cropping in at a 1 x 1 ratio. I then used the polygonal lasso tool to eliminate half the image (leaving me with a triangle). Next I increased the canvas size to double the original size. I then placed the remaining part of the image to the top corner. The layer was then duplicated and flipped horizontally. That was then flattened (using control e), duplicated and flipped vertically.
I then proceeded to copy the layer, rotate, and shrink the image. After the image was complete, I then added a hue/saturation layer to make the image saturated. A brightness/contrast layer was then added to make the image pop. Lastly, I adjusted the colours to highlight the blues and yellows in the image.
Overall I love the end result and feel that one is actually looking into a kaleidoscope.

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